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GAN scientists call for a multi-stakeholder approach to bring high-tech in global agroforest reseach

Autorenbild: m1toledom1toledo

Aktualisiert: 23. März 2021

The GAN starts this year with its first official meeting where eleven international scientists discussed on advances of cocoa, coffee, and rubber agroforest research.

In the meeting, hosted by the Sustainability, Agriculture & Technology Lab (SATLab) in Westlake University, GAN members highlighted the importance of bringing a multi-stakeholder approach that uses technological innovations to quantify ecosystem services provided by agroforests and to improve their benefits for people and nature. In the meeting guests Tom Crowther and Simone Max from ETH Zürich presented the fascinating Restor Project and discussed ways to collaborate to their efforts.

GAN scientists also used the opportunity to talk about the progress on launching the first GAN collaborative research project. This project focuses on applying cutting-edge technologies to quantify global agroforestry systems, their ecosystem services and potential trade-offs on enviromental and socio-economic benefits.

Thank you very much to the GAN Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) members Thomas C. Wanger (Westlake University), Jaboury Ghazoul (ETH Zürich), Kristoffer Hylander (Stockholm University), Eric Lambin (Standford University), Alexandra Morel (Dundee University), Ivette Perfecto (University of Michigan), Luke Powell (University of Glasgow), Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter (University of Wuerzburg), Teja Tscharntke (University of Göttingen), John Vandermeer (University of Michigan), Manuel Toledo-Hernández (Westlake University) and guests Tom Crowther (ETH Zürich) and Simeon Max (ETH Zürich) for the stimulating discussion and participation in the GAN meeting.

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